6 Tips for Selling a Home With Kids

Selling a home is stressful for anyone, but it can become even more complex when you have children. Children can make it difficult to keep your home clean and organized, and they may also be disruptive during showings. However, with some planning and preparation, you can successfully sell your home even if you have kids.

Family selling home with kids

How to Get Your Home Ready to Sell With Kids

Consider these tips for selling your home when you have kids to ensure a smooth sale while also keeping your kids involved, ensuring safety, and more.

1. Keep Your Kids in the Loop

    Keeping your kids informed during the home-selling process is incredibly important. Kids want to feel involved, especially because it is their home too. Explain to them why you’re selling your home and what they can expect. This will help them understand the situation and be more cooperative when needed.

    Keep your kids informed by:

    • Starting Early: As soon as you decide to sell your home, begin talking to your children about the selling process.
    • Being Honest: Explain the process honestly, without sugarcoating it.
    • Answering Their Questions: Be prepared to answer your children’s questions about the selling process.
    • Involving Them in the Process: Let your children help you with tasks such as decluttering and cleaning.
    • Preparing Them for Showings: Explain to your children what to expect during showings and how to behave during this time.

    Additionally, if your kids are older and you’re thinking about downsizing, it’s important to communicate this just in case you need help clearing out any possessions you no longer need. 

    2. Purge All Clutter

      Clutter can make your home look smaller and less appealing to potential buyers. For this reason, it’s important to declutter your home before putting it on the market. This can be a daunting task, especially if you have children. Start by going through your belongings and getting rid of anything you don’t need or use anymore. You can donate unwanted items to charity or have a garage sale.

      When decluttering your home, start small. Begin by decluttering a small area, such as a closet or a drawer. Ask your children to help you declutter their own belongings, and don’t be afraid to get rid of items that haven’t been used in a long time.

      The most important thing to remember here is to be conscious of your kids’ feelings. Getting rid of anything they may have emotional attachments to can be tricky, and the last thing you want is to upset them.

      3. Hire Someone to Help With Cleaning

        Cleaning your home can be time-consuming, especially if you have kids. Instead, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to help you get your home ready for showings. This will ensure that your home is spotless and presentable.

        Professional cleaners can do a deep cleaning of your home that you may not be able to achieve on your own. They save you a lot of time and effort and can reduce stress during the selling process by taking this task off your plate.

        family with kids selling home

        4. Stage Your Home Properly

          Staging your home can make a big difference in how it looks to potential buyers. This involves arranging furniture and decor to make the space look larger and more inviting.

          When staging your home, remove any furniture or decor that is highly personalized to your child. These items can actually date the house and make it harder to sell, especially if the decor is overbearing or highly noticeable.

          We recommend:

          • Removing any posters from walls
          • Removing kid-specific wallpaper
          • Removing kid-specific items from the front of the refrigerator
          • Putting away any toys, stuffed animals, or other similar items

          From a kid’s perspective, the depersonalization of your home may feel jarring. Before removing personal items like family photos and belongings, talk to your children about why these things must be put away and comfort them in knowing that they will have a place in your new home.

          5. Have a Plan In Place to Leave Quickly for Showings

            When you have kids, leaving your home at the last minute for showings or open houses can be difficult. Having a plan in place is important so you can leave quickly without disrupting your children’s routine.

            Here are some tips for leaving quickly for showings:

            • Arrange Childcare: Arrange for a babysitter or ask a friend or family member to watch your children.
            • Prepare a Go-Bag: Pack a bag with everything you need for showings, such as your keys, identification, and paperwork. For kids, this may include games, toys, snacks, and more.
            • Have a Designated Meeting Place: Choose a designated meeting place to meet your realtor after showings.
            • Communicate With Your Children: Explain to your children what to expect during showings and how to behave.

            6. Work & Communicate With a Local Realtor

              A local real estate agent can be a valuable asset when selling your home. They can help you price your home appropriately, market it effectively, and negotiate with buyers. Make sure to choose a local realtor who is familiar with your neighborhood.

              When selling a home with kids, communicate with your realtor beforehand so they know what to expect when working with your family. This ensures there are no surprises at showings or other last-minute plan changes.

              Are you ready to sell your home? Judy Michaelis works with home sellers in the Westport, Connecticut, area. Contact Judy today to get started.